SQL Server Virtualization and In the Cloud, For Database Administrators, For IT Professionals

SQW14 What DBAs Need to Know About SQL Azure


4:00PM - 5:15PM

Level: Intermediate

Arie Jones

Arie Jones

Director of Emerging Technologies

Perpetual Technologies, Inc.

Cloud computing is one of the hot topic issues of the day and Microsoft is pushing hard to show that they are in the game to win. As such, SQL Azure is your data storage in the cloud solution. However, the platform is much different from simply a SQL Server that sits in the cloud and needs to be approached in an intelligent manner. In this fast paced session, we will be going well beyond the simple hello world scenario to show you how to leverage the cloud architecture for data storage as well as educate you in how the cloud works differently than your local database instance. Learn all of the functionality as well as the limitations so that you can make an educated decision when looking to move resource to a cloud based environment. This session is going to be an eye opener for sure and will have many of you dreaming of your data sitting in the cloud.

You will learn:

  • The basic components of the SQL Azure platform
  • How to setup and maintain SQL Azure instances in the cloud
  • Best practices and limitations of the SQL Azure platform that impact application design and implementation